Η εξαϋδροκανναβινόλη (HHC) είναι ένα διαφορετικό κανναβινοειδές από την THC, γνωστό για τις μοναδικές του ιδιότητες και τις ήπιες ψυχοδραστικές επιδράσεις του. Στην Canna Health Amsterdam, προσφέρουμε προϊόντα HHC υψηλής ποιότητας που προέρχονται από φυσικές πηγές, εξασφαλίζοντας μια ασφαλή και ευχάριστη εμπειρία.
Benni –
You will get here green stripes which taste like green apples
For me , i eat 3 of them, to get a weed like edible effect( i have high tolerance)
Carolina –
Smooth delivery. I appreciate the legal note that came with the parcel stating that the goods are in fact legal.
One gummy is a perfect low dose for me. Chill vibe, relaxed body and mind. Noting over the top. No paranoia or panic (I’ve experienced that with other edibles). Perfect for a movie night on the sofa.
Lying down I can feel some light out of body feelings and vague dancing visuals if I close my eyes.
Alex –
Love the texture of gummy and the sweet / sour taste. I can’t smoke so this is a tasty, alternative. For me half strip is enough to get into the relaxing / calm state and it kicks in after cca. 1 hour. The whole strip is perfect if you want to get into deep sleep.
Victor –
The best high experience I’ve ever had. I’m not a very regular cannabis user so I don’t have a high tolerance. Also I’m pretty sensitive to regular THC which kicks in too hard and may give me anxiety or paranoia.
I’ve been smoking Delta 8, THC-P, HHC infused vapes from USA and this HHC gummy was my first edible ever.
It kicks in in around 30min- 1h. And it’s the first time I’ve really experienced both head and body high (before I used to usually experience head high on vapes).
1 Gummy: feels very relaxed, but still energetic enough to be able to talk to people, interact, dance, hang out, have a walk. It lifts up mood and makes me more talkative, and all other high feelings, like hearing/focusing on sounds differently, visuals are a little more enhanced (at least in the sunny weather, the sun rays and nature around starts looking even more beautiful, like you start paying attention and wanna just stare and enjoy birds flying and water running). But I still felt under control and could engage and interact with people, so it’s a weird/nice mixture if feeling both pretty high but not anxious and being able to control your thought process and body.
2 gummies were twice intense trip and at some moment too intense but overall also a very nice trip. If you’re pretty sensitive or not a regular user, 1 Gummy should be enough to start.
Yarro –
Yarroyarroman –