HHC BUDS: Let The Experts Hemp You – 20% HHC – 16.87% CBD

(3 Kundenbewertungen)

HHC Infused Buds – Let The Experts Hemp You
HHC: 20% – CBD: 16.87%

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HHC infundierte Knospen – HHC: 20% – CBD: 16,87%



Lesen Sie mehr über das Cannabinoid HHC (Hexahydrocannabinol):

HHC – Was es ist und was Sie darüber wissen müssen

HHC – Ein rechtliches Hoch in Europa?


Bewertungen (3)

3 Bewertungen für HHC BUDS: Let The Experts Hemp You – 20% HHC – 16.87% CBD

  1. Deutsch


    Finally i tested the buds , they look very good and the smell is sweet.
    You get here top quality cbd buds with hhc on it.
    it gives you a great euphoria

    if everyone is dry and you still wanna enjoy, these buds are your way.

    Disclaimer: Customer reviews reflect individual experiences and do not constitute medical advice. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  2. Deutsch


    also finally tested the buds. Real good quality of the buds itself, also in case of a sweet smell. The effects are pretty good. Mostly as intense as THC, but in a slight different manner. More relaxing and less „psychedelic“. This is the cannabinoid, I was waiting for, and I gueass, many others to. This is the best option, for people who need cannabis for medical purposes.

  3. Deutsch


    Ik gebruik het wiet voor medische reden en moet zeggen dit is veel beter dan THC 🙂 😍 ik zal waarschijnlijk niet stoppen met THC maar dit is echt een goede keus tegenover THC

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