About Cannabinoids

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most prevalent chemical compounds of cannabis in the category of compounds that are called cannabinoids. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of many cannabinoids produced by cannabis, second most famous after THC.

Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is completely non-psychoactive. The cannabinoids are characterized by their ability to act on the cannabinoid receptors which can be found in the body and the brain and constitute part of our endocannabinoid system.

CBD is used for a broad range of applications. For many years scientists and researchers disregarded this cannabinoid, because the main research was focusing on the effects of the psychoactive cannabinoids of cannabis and specifically on tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Recently, researchers have been looking at the value and various uses of CBD. 

CBD gradually started to create a positive reputation and has taken cannabis from the marginal to the mainstream. There is a wide range of scientific literature and some rapidly growing evidence that CBD has significant benefits aiming for a quality life.

Demand for CBD has increased after it was popularized in 2013 in the CNN special “Weed” by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, in which five-year-old Charlotte Figi uses CBD for her case. You can read more regarding this here.

A variety of research over the past decades has found that CBD shows promise for a quality life.  More information can be found here.

CBD is legal worldwide, also it is completely safe. Many studies have looked into the safety of CBD in adults and has been found that CBD is safe even at high doses.

CBD products are becoming an addition to our daily lives. However, due to the fact that each person’s needs are different, we always encourage you to do your own research to see if CBD and CBD products or cannabis products is right for you.

Canna Health Amsterdam aims to provide you accurate information on anything related to the use of CBD and a variety of high-quality CBD products.

Frequently Asked Questions about CBD

CBD is an acronym for Cannabidiol and is one of the many different cannabinoids found in cannabis.

Normally the most famous cannabinoid is THC which is responsible for the psychoactive effect. Basically THC produces what is normally called “HIGH”. On the contrary many researches show that CBD doesn’t create any psychoactive effect but it still provides interesting results.

That’s why it became really appealing even to people who were kind of far from the cannabis plant.

CBD is coming from hemp, which is looking like marijuana but is producing smaller flowers and a really small amount of THC.

For this reason normally hemp has been used for many industrial purposes and now is the best source of CBD to provide a completely natural product respecting the cannabis laws worldwide. (CBD and hemp are indeed legal in most of the Countries)

CBD is used for many reasons.

This is because in a certain way, we are already using cannabinoids to regulate part of our body basically all the time… we are just not aware of it!

Our body comes indeed with its own cannabinoid system and a group of endogenous cannabinoid receptors. The two primary endocannabinoid receptors are CB1 and CB2.

CBD is having action on one of the main endocannabinoids: 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) which is active at both cannabinoid receptors. 2-AG and CBD together are involved in the regulation of many things on our brain and body.

That’s why CBD can be used to improve the quality of our daily life.

This is not just because of a matter of taste. Actually CBD can be consumed in different ways depending on the purpose.

CBD Edibles are to have an effect which lasts longer.

CBD Crystals are to get an immediate relief.

CBD Oils can be consumed orally but also as a topical remedy for the skin for various  uses.

Marijuana laws become less uniform on a global level. If you’d like to know if CBD hemp oil is legal in your country, check with your local authorities.

Using CBD is NOT like a joint or any other THC product.

It will not give you any kind of “HIGH”.

Indeed normally you don’t expect to “feel” the effects of CBD. 

CBD is a really gentle energy, if we take a small amount it can happen to feel a subtle effect of calm and relaxation.

So with CBD it is really easy to still be completely functional and have a productive day.

Let us now focus on the scientifically-backed health benefits of CBD. At the same time, we will also look at the side effects associated with this cannabinoid. 


1. Analgesic Effects 

CBD is an effective option for arthritis-related pain. Combine it with another cannabinoid called THC and you get a good option for multiple sclerosis pain. Furthermore, several studies suggest that CBD is effective in nerve pain and swelling. 


2. Anti-Depressant Effects

What do we do when the anti-depressant meds fail too? 

We search for a novel solution hopelessly!  

And right now, CBD offers an excellent alternative to conventional anxiety treatment. A review study suggests that we can use CBD for:

  • Stress disorder
  • Mental disorders
  • Generalized anxiety

Similarly, another CBD study found a definite improvement in subjects’ mental health. CBD dosage plays a significant role in producing the desired effect on mental health. 


3. Skin Care Effects

Acne is one of the biggest skin challenges right now. 

CBD promises to change the landscape of skincare products. It does so on account of its anti-inflammatory properties

Sebum is one of the primary factors responsible for acne. It is an oily secretion that your sebaceous glands produce in the skin. A study suggests that CBD can reduce sebum production and minimize the risk of acne. 


4. Effects on Addiction 

Marijuana has the potential to cure addiction. At first, this sounds like an absurd statement, but not so much when you carefully explore research.

A study investigated CBD’s role as a possible intervention for addictive behaviors. Researchers found that it can be effective for:

  • Addiction disorder
  • Stress 

This makes us think if this is the beginning of something ground-breaking. Only time can tell. Researchers have high hopes for the future though!

Is really important to consider the quality of your CBD.

If you use CBD not isolated correctly it will still contain a really small percentage of THC. This means that if you consume a high amount of a CBD product produced in such a way you might have risks with a drug test (because of the THC found in these).

Using pure 99.8% CBD Crystals there are no risks with the drug tests because such quality of CBD doesn’t contain THC.

This basically means that if you regularly have to pass a drug test, it is better for you to stick with pure CBD Crystals!

There is always a risk of side effects when discussing cannabis consumption. CBD products are no exception to this rule. What fuels these concerns is the lack of laws to regulate CBD products. This leads to the flooding of the market with inferior quality products. As a result, we cannot rule out serious complications that come with such products. 

Most common side effects of inferior CBD products are:

  • Nausea
  • Exhaustion
  • Irritation

Good news is that CBD is available in almost all the European Countries and the USA. The bad news is that it hardly matters so long as its legality is uncertain. 

Most of the Countries banned Marijuana focusing most of their attention on THC.

CBD has never been much of a concern for the law because it isn’t possible to get high with it.

Anyway now CBD has become mainstream and product quality varies and matters. Canna Health Amsterdam provides products with an isolated form of CBD 99.8% pure and Broad Spectrum CBD, meaning NO THC is involved at all and Full Spectrum CBD. This is why CBD and all our products are legal in all of the countries where CBD is legal.

You can order high quality CBD products online.

CBD is LEGAL in many countries. In the EU, Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Georgia, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Peru, Puerto Rico, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland, Uruguay.


One cannot look away from the mounting evidence building around the potential benefits of CBD.  Right now, if researchers have high hopes for one cannabinoid – it is CBD. 

The FDA has already approved a CBD medicine by the name of Epidolex. However, there is a need for more in this field before doctors can prescribe CBD regularly, just like other meds. 

Nevertheless, one hopes that this cannabinoid may provide answers to health challenges that are still unanswered!

Read more about CBD


A cannabis plant is nature’s pack of organic compounds that have outstanding health effects. It contains more than 400 plant chemicals, including cannabinoids and terpenes. CBD and THC are often the focus for scientists and researchers around the world.

However, there is another cannabinoid that possesses a great health profile.

We are talking about CBG – the dark horse of the cannabinoid family!

Despite being around for decades, CBG rose to fame in the last few years. Researchers endorse it for its stunning effects on human health. Yet, we know little about this compound. 

So let’s discuss what science says about cannabigerol and find out what makes it so unique.

What is CBG?

CBG, the short form of cannabigerol, is one of the cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. You can call it the mother of cannabinoids because it serves as the precursor of all other compounds in the form of cannabigerol acid. 

CBG is present in minute quantities; the cannabis plant contains only 1% of CBG compared to 20-25% of CBD and 25-30% of THC. 

As much of CBG converts to CBD and THC, so if you want CBG, you need to harvest the plant earlier. Its scarcity makes CBG products quite rare and expensive.

Cannabigerol is a non-psychoactive compound like CBD that does not affect your thinking. Instead, it works by binding to the special receptors in the body. There are two cannabinoids receptors:

  • CB1 receptors – present in the nervous system
  • CB2 receptors – present in the body’s immune system and other parts.

Cannabigerol attaches to both to produce multiple positive effects such as:

  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Reducing Swelling
  • Protecting the brain

Read more about CBG

cbn molecule

What is CBN (Cannabinol)?

We get CBN from THC oxidation and decomposition. In simple terms, when you heat THC in the presence of oxygen, it breaks down and converts into CBN. 

That is why older or aging cannabis plants contain greater amounts of CBN.

Although being mildly psychoactive, CBN produces a much lesser high than THC but is slightly more intoxicating than CBD. 


What is the difference between CBD and CBN?

It’s important to understand the differences between CBD and CBN if you want to use them for managing health problems. 

First off, CBD and CBN are entirely different molecules.

In terms of production, CBD is generally the second most abundant cannabinoid that the cannabis plant produces. Cannabis growers also breed different strains to produce CBD-rich varieties. However, they cannot directly manipulate CBN quantity since it produces naturally in the plant after THC breakdown.

As far as research goes, it is in the early stages for both cannabinoids. However, significant research is available on CBD making it a highly popular choice for wellness products.

Lastly, the FDA has approved a CBD-based medicine to manage seizures and two rare types of epilepsy. However, no such CBN-based product is currently available. 



The Prospective Health Benefits of CBN

Despite limited scientific studies, CBN shows significant potential in managing various health conditions. Let’s look into what the existing research says.


  • Antibacterial Properties
    Studies show that CBN has the potential to act as an antibacterial agent.
    Scientists tested CBN against strains of MRSA bacteria (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus that causes many infections in humans) that resist conventional antibiotics. Results showed CBN to be effective against the resistant strains.
    These positive findings indicate that perhaps future medicinal interventions for such infections may include CBN along with the traditional use of antibiotics.


  • Neuro-Protective Properties
    In a mouse study where scientists used CBN for managing ALS. ALS, short for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a progressive disease of the nervous system that affects the brain and spinal cord and causes loss of muscle control.
    Results demonstrated that CBN delayed the onset of the condition. However, this claim still needs validation in human studies, but the findings are promising. CBN might serve as a potential tool for managing ALS and possibly similar neurodegenerative conditions in the future.


  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties 
    CBN might also hold potential in helping individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.
    In another rodent study, CBN effectively helped manage symptoms of arthritis. These findings highlight the incredible potential CBN holds to help people suffering from debilitating conditions.


  • Appetite Regulation 
    CBN can act as an appetite enhancer as well. In a study, rodents given CBN showed better food intake, meaning that this cannabinoid possesses effective appetite stimulant properties.
    THC is also a well-known appetite stimulant but it produces intoxicating effects. CBN could serve as a safer non-intoxicating alternative for individuals:

  1. Seeking to increase their appetite without becoming high
  2. Struggling with eating disorders
  3. Ocular Health

CBN can also be beneficial for managing glaucoma

A rabbit study showed that CBN and THC helped to reduce intraocular pressure which is the greatest risk factor for glaucoma. 

Even though research is still in infancy, CBN could serve as a superior adjunct to existing glaucoma medications. 

Read more about CBN

THCP molecule - Canna Health Amsterdam

As the cannabinoid market evolves, one of the newest and most intriguing compounds to catch attention is THCP. Not to be confused with THC, this potent variant has raised eyebrows due to its surprising strength and therapeutic potential.

What is THCP?

THCP, also known as Tetrahydrocannabiphorol, was identified in 2019 by Italian researchers. It exists naturally in the cannabis plant but accounts for less than 0.1% of all cannabinoids. Despite its rarity, its potential effects have garnered significant interest within the cannabis community.

What does THC-P stand for?

THCP is short for Tetrahydrocannabiphorol.

How potent is THCP?

THCP boasts a remarkable binding affinity to the CB1 receptor, outperforming Delta-9 THC by 33 times. However, this doesn’t necessarily make it 33 times more potent. Effects can vary widely among individuals, but generally, THCP is considered to be very potent.

How does THC-P work, and what are its effects?

THCP operates similarly to THC but reportedly induces intense feelings of relaxation and euphoria. It could prove useful for severe anxiety, chronic pain, inflammation, and sleep disorders. However, due to its potency, excessive dosing can lead to prolonged and possibly unpleasant effects.

What are the benefits and precautions associated with THCP?

THCP shows promise in managing conditions like anxiety, chronic pain, and inflammation. Due to its high potency, caution is advised. Users should refrain from driving or operating heavy machinery while using products containing THCP. Starting with a low dosage and gradually increasing is recommended.

Legal Status of THCP

In the United States, THCP falls under the 2018 Farm Bill, making it legal if derived from hemp and containing less than 0.3% THC. However, laws can change, so staying updated on its legal status is crucial. In the EU, it’s considered legal but each EU country might implement their own rules and laws, please research before buying any THC-P product to make sure what you are buying is legal in your country. 

Implications for Drug Testing

THCP itself may not show up in drug tests, but its metabolites could trigger a positive test for cannabis. Therefore, refrain from using THCP if you expect to undergo a drug test soon.

Dosing THCP

Given its potency and the lack of comprehensive human data, start with a small dosage to evaluate your body’s reaction.

Key Factors for Buying THCP

Only purchase from reputable brands that provide third-party lab test results, or Certificates of Analysis (COAs). Customer reviews and testimonials can also offer additional insights into a brand’s reputation.


THCP offers an exciting new dimension for those looking to explore the world of cannabinoids. As research continues, its full potential remains to be discovered. Always consume responsibly and start with lower doses, increasing as per your comfort and tolerance levels.

Read more about THC-P

THCV Molecule

Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) is another intriguing cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant, distinct from its more famous counterparts, THC and CBD. THCV is drawing attention due to its unique properties, including its psychoactive effects at high doses and potential health benefits.

Cannabinoids interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, affecting a variety of physiological processes. Unlike THC, which is primarily known for its psychoactive effects, THCV has a complex profile with a range of effects that are still being studied.

Researchers have started focusing on THCV’s potential for a variety of applications, from appetite suppression to blood sugar regulation. It’s an emerging compound that is gradually gaining recognition within scientific, medical, and consumer circles.

The interest in THCV has been growing steadily, especially as more research highlights its potential benefits. There is a plethora of scientific literature that suggests THCV could offer a new pathway for certain health conditions.

THCV is generally considered safe and is legal in certain jurisdictions, depending on local cannabis laws. Like other cannabinoids, it comes in various forms and concentrations, tailored to individual needs.

Canna Health Amsterdam aims to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information on anything related to the use of THCV and other high-quality cannabinoid products.

THCV stands for Tetrahydrocannabivarin and is one of the cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, which is known for its psychoactive effects, THCV has a more complex profile that includes both psychoactive and non-psychoactive effects, depending on the dosage.

THCV has been studied for its potential role in appetite suppression, blood sugar regulation, and anti-inflammatory properties. While more research is needed, preliminary studies suggest it could have applications in weight management and metabolic health.

Like other cannabinoids, THCV is available in various forms, including oils, tinctures, and edibles, to suit different needs and preferences. The form can impact the onset and duration of effects, allowing for tailored consumption.

At low doses, THCV tends to be non-psychoactive and may even counteract some of the effects of THC. At higher doses, it can have psychoactive properties. Studies are ongoing to understand its full range of physiological and psychological effects.

Emerging research suggests that THCV could have several benefits, including appetite suppression and anti-inflammatory properties. However, more research is needed to confirm these findings and explore additional benefits.

THCV itself is not classified as a drug in most jurisdictions, but it can show up in drug tests designed to detect cannabinoids. The legality and implications of this depend on local laws and the specific circumstances.

Preliminary studies suggest that THCV is safe to use, but as with any cannabinoid, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare provider for personalized medical advice.

The legality of THCV depends on local and national cannabis laws. Always check the legal status of THCV in your jurisdiction before purchasing or using it.

While THCV is not as well-known as CBD or THC, it’s a cannabinoid with significant potential. Ongoing research is exploring its diverse effects and potential benefits, making it a compound of interest for both the scientific community and consumers.

However, it’s important to note that much more research is needed before THCV can be widely recommended for therapeutic use. Nevertheless, the current evidence suggests that this unique cannabinoid may offer new opportunities for health and well-being.

Read more about THC-V

hhc molecule

You’ve probably heard about CBD and THC. Both are extremely popular cannabinoids that can be found in many products. But have you heard of HHC?

We know, it might be hard to keep track of all these different compounds in the cannabis industry. But don’t worry, we’re here to make it easy for you. HHC is gaining popularity in the wellness world and is often marketed as the way to experience a “legal high.” (Though we will talk more about the legality of HHC later on, so keep reading.) 

But what is the HHC cannabinoid? Will HHC gummies make me high? How potent is HHC? We will answer these questions and more in this guide. Keep reading to learn more!

What is the HHC cannabinoid?

HHC stands for ‘Hexahydrocannabinol’ and it is one of the many cannabinoids found in the cannabis Sativa and hemp plants. However, this cannabinoid is only present in trace amounts. 

For this reason, the HHC found in many products nowadays isn’t derived directly from the plant.

While HHC is a naturally occurring cannabinoid, only a very small amount is produced by the plants. It needs to be synthesized in order to cultivate it produce enough HHC cannabinoid for sale. This synthesized version of HHC is identical to the HHC made by the plants, and it has the same effects. 

What is HHC cannabinoid made from?

HHC was first synthesized from THC in 1947 by Roger Adams, so it’s been around for a while.

Nowadays, HHC is typically made from the hydrogenation of CBD. This means that hydrogen (H2) is added to CBD.

Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC are two different THC molecules. Delta-9 THC is the common version of THC that most people are familiar with. Although both these molecules are psychoactive, Delta-9 is the most popular and produces the most potent “high.”

HHC is similar to both Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC. It has similar psychoactive effects, even though it is a different cannabis compound. 


Is HHC stronger than Delta-9?

Many people wonder, “is HHC stronger than Delta-9?” Although we need more research to know exactly how potent each cannabinoid is, many claim that HHC is slightly less potent than Delta-9 THC. However, it’s said that HHC is more potent than Delta-8 THC. 

The HHC cannabinoid effects and “high” are very similar to what you feel with regular Delta-9 THC. Many people are starting to choose HHC instead of THC because HHC is legal in many places, even where THC is not. 

Delta-8 THC has a slightly different chemical structure, making it not as strong. CBD (cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, so it does not produce a high at all. CBD is known for its many potential therapeutic and medicinal benefits.  

What does HHC feel like? 

Just like the other cannabis-derived compounds, HHC interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) to exert mental and physical effects. Most people compare the effects of HHC to those of THC – euphoria, relaxation, improved mood, and an altered perception of reality.

This raises the questions: “Does HHC get you high?” and “How potent is HHC?”

From anecdotal reports, the short answer is yes, HHC can get you high. As mentioned before, it’s a less potent high than what is experienced from Delta-9 THC, but slightly more potent than Delta-8. The way some users explain it is that while Delta-9 THC gives you a euphoric high, HHC is more similar to Delta-8 THC in the way that it makes you feel more relaxed.

Read more about HHC

HHC-P molecule - Canna Health Amsterdam

As CBD and various delta THC derivatives gain popularity in the cannabis industry, there is a growing need for lesser-known cannabinoids to compete effectively in the market. Among these promising newcomers is HHCP, short for Hexahydrocannabiphorol.

HHCP has emerged as one of the most recent and exciting cannabinoids to enter the market. What sets it apart is its impressive resilience against degradation, heat, and UV light. Unlike some other cannabinoids, HHCP shows remarkable stability, meaning you might not have to worry as much about your stock withering or losing its potency over time. Now, let’s delve into the essential details about HHC-P.

HHC-P is short for Hexahydrocannabiphorol.

The potency of HHCP can vary depending on the individual user’s experience. However, some users report that it is up to twice as potent as Delta 9 and up to four times stronger than THCP. Notably, HHCP has a higher bioavailability than Delta 9 THC, and its psychoactive effects are more potent even after vaporization.

HHCP operates similarly to a more potent and longer-lasting version of THCP. Users have reported it to be more potent than HHC. However, some of the effects might not be felt by all users.

Common effects include euphoria, increased appetite, relaxation, and potentially an increase in anxiety. The effects may last anywhere from one to four hours and may be followed by an increase in thirst and appetite.

HHCP is considered more potent than other cannabinoids like Delta 9 THC and Delta 10 THC. Its psychoactive properties are stronger, which is why it’s not advised to drive or operate heavy machinery while using HHC-P products. Some of the notable effects of HHCP include increased potency compared to THCP and HHC.

HHC-P is popular among recreational marijuana users due to its high potency. However, this cannabinoid may have varied effects on different individuals due to variations in their endocannabinoid systems.

Appropriate dosage is recommended.

Read more about HHC-P

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